Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wicket push reload support

When I look the cometd's instruction page here, it seems the the based source code do not support reload. As shown in the example, it requires a client side javascript code. But it was not written anywhere, as far as I saw.

I start supporting reload extension on my custom wicketstuff-push (see the post). Let's see the code.

public abstract class CometdAbstractBehavior extends AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    // FIXME: put this in application scope, we may have several webapp using
    // CometdBehavior in the same web container!
    private final static String cometdServletPath = getCometdServletPath();
    private static final ResourceReference COMETD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "org/cometd.js");  
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_JSON2 =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/json2.js");
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_COMETD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/jquery.cometd.js");

    private static final ResourceReference COMETD_RELOAD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "org/cometd/ReloadExtension.js");
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_COOKIE =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/jquery.cookie.js");
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_COMETD_RELOAD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/jquery.cometd-reload.js");

    public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
        if (channelId == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChannelId in a CometdBehavior can not be null");

        response.renderJavascript(getInitCometdScript(), "initCometd");
        final String cometdInterceptorScript = getCometdInterceptorScript();
        if (cometdInterceptorScript != null) {
            response.renderJavascript(cometdInterceptorScript, "Interceptor"
                    + getBehaviorMarkupId());
        response.renderJavascript(getSubscriberScript(), "Subscribe"
                + getBehaviorMarkupId());

    protected final CharSequence getInitCometdScript() {
        return new PackagedTextTemplate(CometdBehavior.class, "CometdReloadInit.js").getString() +
            getConfigureCometdScript() + getHandshakeCometdScript(); 

I add a javascript file. This code is written based on the reload example for jQuery (here).
/* handshake listener to report client IDs */
$.cometd.addListener("/meta/handshake", function(message)
    if (message.successful)
        org.cometd.COOKIE.set('demoLastCometdID', message.clientId, {
            'max-age': 300,
            path : '/',
            expires: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 300 * 1000)
        $('#previous').html('Handshake Failed');
        $('#current').html('Handshake Failed');

/* Setup reload extension */

Be care that this works on not only browser reloads, but also loading the same page with different parameters. It means, subscribing to the different channel also happens without handshake.

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