Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wicket push reload support

When I look the cometd's instruction page here, it seems the the based source code do not support reload. As shown in the example, it requires a client side javascript code. But it was not written anywhere, as far as I saw.

I start supporting reload extension on my custom wicketstuff-push (see the post). Let's see the code.

public abstract class CometdAbstractBehavior extends AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    // FIXME: put this in application scope, we may have several webapp using
    // CometdBehavior in the same web container!
    private final static String cometdServletPath = getCometdServletPath();
    private static final ResourceReference COMETD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "org/cometd.js");  
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_JSON2 =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/json2.js");
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_COMETD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/jquery.cometd.js");

    private static final ResourceReference COMETD_RELOAD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "org/cometd/ReloadExtension.js");
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_COOKIE =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/jquery.cookie.js");
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_COMETD_RELOAD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/jquery.cometd-reload.js");

    public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
        if (channelId == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChannelId in a CometdBehavior can not be null");

        response.renderJavascript(getInitCometdScript(), "initCometd");
        final String cometdInterceptorScript = getCometdInterceptorScript();
        if (cometdInterceptorScript != null) {
            response.renderJavascript(cometdInterceptorScript, "Interceptor"
                    + getBehaviorMarkupId());
        response.renderJavascript(getSubscriberScript(), "Subscribe"
                + getBehaviorMarkupId());

    protected final CharSequence getInitCometdScript() {
        return new PackagedTextTemplate(CometdBehavior.class, "CometdReloadInit.js").getString() +
            getConfigureCometdScript() + getHandshakeCometdScript(); 

I add a javascript file. This code is written based on the reload example for jQuery (here).
/* handshake listener to report client IDs */
$.cometd.addListener("/meta/handshake", function(message)
    if (message.successful)
        org.cometd.COOKIE.set('demoLastCometdID', message.clientId, {
            'max-age': 300,
            path : '/',
            expires: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 300 * 1000)
        $('#previous').html('Handshake Failed');
        $('#current').html('Handshake Failed');

/* Setup reload extension */

Be care that this works on not only browser reloads, but also loading the same page with different parameters. It means, subscribing to the different channel also happens without handshake.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wicket push

Wicketstuff push has dramatically changed at 1.4.13. But the API changes so much at that version, and I cannot make it work. Since the 1.4.12 uses very OLD dojo libraries, I want to migrate to the new version.

While looking the release documents of Cometd 2.1.0, I find that it supports jQuery bindings and Dojo bindings. So, I try to change the bindings to jQuery based on 1.4.12.

The files I have changed are two,, And import javascripts from cometd-javascript-jquery-2.1.0.war.

public abstract class CometdAbstractBehavior extends AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    // FIXME: put this in application scope, we may have several webapp using
    // CometdBehavior in the same web container!
    private final static String cometdServletPath = getCometdServletPath();
    private static final ResourceReference COMETD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "org/cometd.js");  
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_JSON2 =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/json2.js");
    private static final ResourceReference JQ_COMETD =
        new CompressedResourceReference(CometdAbstractBehavior.class, "jquery/jquery.cometd.js");

    public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
        if (channelId == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChannelId in a CometdBehavior can not be null");

        response.renderJavascript(getInitCometdScript(), "initCometd");
        final String cometdInterceptorScript = getCometdInterceptorScript();
        if (cometdInterceptorScript != null) {
            response.renderJavascript(cometdInterceptorScript, "Interceptor"
                    + getBehaviorMarkupId());
        response.renderJavascript(getSubscriberScript(), "Subscribe"
                + getBehaviorMarkupId());

    protected final CharSequence getInitCometdScript() {
        return getConfigureCometdScript() + getHandshakeCometdScript(); 

    protected final String getConfigureCometdScript() {
        return "$.cometd.configure('" + cometdServletPath + "')\n";
    protected String getHandshakeCometdScript() {
        return "$.cometd.handshake()\n";
    public final CharSequence getSubscriberScript() {
        return "$.cometd.subscribe('/" + getChannelId() + "', "
                + getPartialSubscriber() + ");\n";

public class CometdBehavior extends CometdAbstractBehavior {

    public final String getCometdInterceptorScript() {
        final Map map = new HashMap();
        map.put("behaviorMarkupId", getBehaviorMarkupId());
        map.put("url", getCallbackUrl().toString());
        return new PackagedTextTemplate(CometdBehavior.class, "CometdDefaultBehaviorTemplate.js").asString(map);

    public final CharSequence getPartialSubscriber() {
        return "onEventFor" + getBehaviorMarkupId();

Yes, it works. Thanks for chrome's developer tool. It helps me lot! And I also refer this.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Wicket: NavigatorLabel for GridView

It seems that the NavigatorLabel do not support GridView. So I make it based on the Original NavigatorLabel. It's very simple.

 * Label that provides Showing x to y of z message given for a DataTable. The message can be
 * overridden using the <code>NavigatorLabel</code> property key, the default message is used is of
 * the format <code>Showing ${from} to ${to} of ${of}</code>. The message can also be configured
 * pragmatically by setting it as the model object of the label.
 * @author Igor Vaynberg (ivaynberg)
public class GridNavigatorLabel extends Label
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    // TODO Factor this interface out and let dataview/datatable implement it
    private static interface PageableComponent extends IClusterable
         * @return total number of rows across all pages
        int getRowCount();

         * @return current page
        int getCurrentPage();

         * @return rows per page
        int getRowsPerPage();

        int getColumnsPerRow();

     * @param id
     *            component id
     * @param table
     *            table
    public GridNavigatorLabel(final String id, final GridView<?> table)
        this(id, new PageableComponent()

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public int getCurrentPage()
                return table.getCurrentPage();

            public int getRowCount()
                return table.getRowCount();

            public int getRowsPerPage()
                return table.getRows();
            public int getColumnsPerRow()
                return table.getColumns();



    private GridNavigatorLabel(final String id, final PageableComponent table)
        setDefaultModel(new StringResourceModel("NavigatorLabel", this,
            new Model<LabelModelObject>(new LabelModelObject(table)),
            "Showing ${from} to ${to} of ${of}"));

    private class LabelModelObject implements IClusterable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private final PageableComponent table;

         * Construct.
         * @param table
        public LabelModelObject(PageableComponent table)
            this.table = table;

         * @return "z" in "Showing x to y of z"
        public int getOf()
            return table.getRowCount();

         * @return "x" in "Showing x to y of z"
        public int getFrom()
            if (getOf() == 0)
                return 0;
            return (table.getCurrentPage() * table.getRowsPerPage() * table.getColumnsPerRow()) + 1;

         * @return "y" in "Showing x to y of z"
        public int getTo()
            if (getOf() == 0)
                return 0;
            return Math.min(getOf(), getFrom() + table.getRowsPerPage()* table.getColumnsPerRow() - 1);


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Xuggler: resizing video using MediaTool API

There is a full source code for resizing video with MediaTool API. Look this. Great, thanks!

I added two lines.
// resize
IMediaReader reader = ToolFactory.makeReader(baseURL+this.streamName);;
IMediaTool videoResizeTool = new VideoResizeTool(80,60);
IMediaWriter writer = ToolFactory.makeWriter(baseURL+this.transcodedStreamName, reader);
SetVideoSizeListener setVideoSizeListener = new SetVideoSizeListener(80, 60);
// pipeline reader -> VideoResizeTool -> writer -> setVideoSize
while (reader.readPacket() == null){
    do {} while(false);

The line 3 is what I mentioned at the previous post. The line 4 is a little bit tricky. I'm not sure why it works, but without the line 4, I got following errors.
13:15:22.483 [Thread-76] WARN  com.xuggle.xuggler - Got error: picture is not of the same width as this Coder (../../../../../../../csrc/com/xuggle/xuggler/StreamCoder.cpp:1251)
Exception in thread "Thread-76" java.lang.RuntimeException: failed to encode video
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaWriter.encodeVideo(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaWriter.encodeVideo(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaWriter.onVideoPicture(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.AMediaToolMixin.onVideoPicture(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaToolAdapter.onVideoPicture(
        at com.mycompany.xuggler.VideoResizeTool.onVideoPicture(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.AMediaToolMixin.onVideoPicture(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaReader.dispatchVideoPicture(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaReader.decodeVideo(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaReader.readPacket(
        at com.mycompany.xuggler.MediaProcessingThread.startMediaProcessing(
Is it because of the difference of versions? I'm using the latest revision 1065 not release 3.4.

Xuggler: Using MediaTool API

I see the tutorial. And going to test MediaTool API for transcoding. I follow the section "How To Transcode Media From One Format To Another".

IMediaReader reader = ToolFactory.makeReader(baseURL+this.streamName);
IMediaWriter writer = ToolFactory.makeWriter(baseURL+this.transcodedStreamName, reader);
while (reader.readPacket() == null){
    do {} while(false);

Greate very simple. Let's run....

11:41:29.983 [Thread-70] ERROR com.xuggle.xuggler - Could not find output format (../../../../../../../csrc/com/xuggle/xuggler/Container.cpp:338)
Exception in thread "Thread-70" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: could not open: rtmp://
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaWriter.getStream(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaWriter.encodeVideo(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaWriter.encodeVideo(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaWriter.onVideoPicture(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.AMediaToolMixin.onVideoPicture(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaReader.dispatchVideoPicture(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaReader.decodeVideo(
        at com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaReader.readPacket(
        at com.mycompany.xuggler.H264TranscoderThread.testRTMPPublishH264(

Hm... It fails.... O.K. look into the source code.
public void open()
    // open the container

    if (getContainer().open(getUrl(), IContainer.Type.WRITE, mContainerFormat,
          true, false) < 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not open: " + getUrl());

    // inform listeners

    super.onOpen(new OpenEvent(this));
    // note that we should close the container opened here

Guess from the messages, look into the mContainerFormat more deeper..
MediaWriter(String url, IContainer inputContainer)
    super(url, IContainer.make());

    // verify that the input container is a readable type

    if (inputContainer.getType() != IContainer.Type.READ)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "inputContainer is improperly must be of type readable.");

    // verify that no streams will be added dynamically

    if (inputContainer.canStreamsBeAddedDynamically())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "inputContainer is improperly configured to allow " + 
            "dynamic adding of streams.");

    // record the input container and url

    mInputContainer = inputContainer;

    // create format 

    mContainerFormat = IContainerFormat.make();
        getInputFormatShortName(), getUrl(), null);
Hm, it getting from the reader..... Then maybe....., change the code.
IMediaReader reader = ToolFactory.makeReader(baseURL+this.streamName);;
IMediaWriter writer = ToolFactory.makeWriter(baseURL+this.transcodedStreamName, reader);
while (reader.readPacket() == null){
    do {} while(false);
Yes it works.